Thought images is all about being you. . .

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Thought images is all about being you.

Yes, it is all about being the real you.

The real peaceful, feel calm, respected and connected to thriving you.

Super Self with crown holding star and planet

. . . real respect is  . . . real peace is . . . real connection is . . . real thriving is . . . internal .

It is “not” in the world it is in you . It is remembering the goodness of being, feeling and rediscovering you . . . uplifting you . . .

The real secret is . . . remembering . . . the value of . . . you

. . . yes . . . you have more value then you may think . . . we just forget to remember . . .

. . . my artwork are reminders . . .  to awaken . . . call attention to . . . a voice for reason . . . true reason . . . past illusions . . . patterns of thinking . . .

super self releasing balloon of limitations

. . . once you were afraid to cross the street . . . but you re-thought that choice

. . . because you are not the person you were at age five . . . now it is safe because . . . you have changed your scope of thinking.

. . . you are not the same person you were . . . five minutes ago . . . many points in time . . . since you were five years old . . .

. . . remember the good . . . positive . . . striving . . . thriving . . . you . . . rekindle the inner joy . . . gladly stepping forward . . . 

. . . I am talking . . . basic . . . like yourself . . . knowing inner confidence . . . being comfortable in your own inner space . . .

step up see your world from a new perspective Super Self on ladder

Rekindling the inner joy

. . . positive whispers are . . . soothing . . . uplifting . . . lower case letters are whispers . . . lower case words are . . . quiet . . . reinforcing . . . embraces thoughts

. . . dots are hugs . . . appreciation points . . . italics is positive movement . . .

. . . flowing with your natural rhythm . . .  capitals and complete sentences are used for clarity

. . . but this is a soft pleasing world of thought images . . . a quiet nurturing . . . uplifting environment . . . a place to be . . . to sense . . . to heal

. . . a place with thoughts, images and words . . . reminders . . . of the super you that you really are . . . 

super self flying from ring to ring

“What if” you step into your own head

Have you ever thought about getting into your own head? 

Seriously stepping into your own thinking process?

Being the observer and an active participant in uplifting your life?

your super self making your point-of-view

What if . . .

. . . you take a step-up into your inner world . . . notice the five year old . . . your inner self . . . is working on a project . . .

. . . she is rolling all her thoughts, feeling, fears and delights into a ball . . . her point-of-view . . . her beliefs . . . her point of reference . . .

. . . the things she was told . . . she now tells herself . . . the way she will choose and measure her thoughts . . . the value she will have in herself . . .

. . . this sticky . . . rag tag . . . point-of-view will be the core . . . go to feeling that she . . . you will measure against . . . will carry and reference thru out your life . . .

. . . you carry your point-of-view with you from preschool days . . .

your point-of-view on a pillow

What if your point-of-view makes you itch, break out in spots or worse?

. . .you start looking at your hand crafted ball . . . your point-of-view . . .

. . . start learning to be a friend to your inner self . . . chip away at the glue . . . work together . . . you start untwisting a fragment from the ball . . .

. . . examine your thoughts . . . listening . . . revisiting your feelings . . . remembering your voice and crafting a new journey . . .

. . . plant new seeds . . . embrace and release the broken parts of you . . . cultivate a, new for you, perspective . . . you re-imagine your "accepted wisdom" . . .

. . . you think new thoughts . . . you respect . . . hold dear your inner child’s . . . thoughts, feeling, fears and delights envision new images . . .

. . . melt the fears . . . reinforce the delight . . . appreciate . . . the gift . . . the present . . .

. . . and learn to smile . . . a genuine smile together . . . heartfelt and connected . . .

What is thought images

. . . it is a whimsical “that if” . . . a visual journey with words . . .   embracing yourself . . . uplift your thinking . . . or simply enjoying a pleasant image or a positive opinon . . . a quiet connection . . .

what if you join me . . .

I mix the visual . . . illustrations . . . “images” with my unique perspective . . . write my own stories . . . listen . . . with words . . . paintings . . . I re-imagine my life . . . better . . . build a world . . . of possibilities . . . and share my adventures . . .

. . .gain understand . . . and see . . . feel . . . sense . . . a shift . . . picking a new set of coordinates . . . thinking new thoughts . . . being a happier. . . healthier . . . me . . . my oldest characters . . . are the youngest . . . they are universal you and me . . .

Super Self with small Super Self watching him magnify a pearl

. . . self reliant . . . striving well beings . . . optimistic but pragmatic . . . positive but real . . . seeking to mend the separation . . . seeing the oneness of friendship . . . uplifting support . . . believing in your strength . . . reflective beauty . . . and inner knowingness. . .

They . . . have no eyes . . . no ears . . . no eyebrows . . . no nose . . . no dimples . . .  no features to exclude . . . define . . . or compare . . . they are healing green . . . a mix of sunshine and growth . . .

package with smiling bow

They melt into action in . . . non descript clothing . . .  long sleeves tee shirts . . . bare feet . . . and genuine smiles . . . they are inner child . . . come out to play . . . remembering their truth . . . their joy reflects their in us . . . they value and cherish their perspective . . . . they are living there knowing . . . invisible to distraction . . .

I am on on a journey with friends . . . join me . . . lorraine mullett . . . the thinker inside thought images

5 percent rule
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touchstone gallery
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Lorraine Mullett
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Coaching Abundance
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Thought Images Blog
Thought Images Blog is the easy way to keep connected to positive energy. Our updates will remind you to find your inner smile and allow possibilities. Subscribe here.
Art licensing is an agreement to use an artist's images for reproduction.
Art Licensing is artists working independently or with an agent to help manufactures create products with wonderful images for you and your home.
Lorraine Mullett, artist, shows examples of her Art Licensing Collection
Lorraine Mullett, artist, illustrator and visual story teller shows examples of playful, deliciously sincere artwork from her Art Licensing Collection
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