Sock Wisdom

Sock wisdom is using an everyday item to inspire

I choose sock wisdom because socks say . . . comfort . . . support . . . warmth . . . insulation . . . color . . . boldness . . . and just plain fun . . . 

sock wisdom collection
. . . squish doubt . . . achieve confidence

  • . . . feeling comfortable allows you to slide into your quiet wisdom place . . . that hub of hope and confidence . . . that is your unique spirit . . .
  • . . . feeling supported allows you to . . . notice wisdom threads . . . reestablish a  friendship with yourself . . . your inner wisdom keeper . . . striving together. . . weaving a wisdom  foundation. . .
  • . . . feeling warmth is a sharing . . . bonds of sincerity being build . . . you and your trusting . . . kinship with your own wisdom . . .

  • . . . feeling warmth is taking in . . . finding that inner place that stores memories . . . warm memories . . . comforting . . . supportive warm . . . using your remembering to warm you present moments . . .
  • . . . feeling insulated is shelter . . . a buffer from the winds of life . . .  a refuge that allows you to pause a moment . . . connect to your knowing . . . embrace your wisdom . . .
  • . . . feeling the mood . . . choosing the color, boldness for the day . . . consciously being the decision maker . . . even in this small but reinforcing way . . . grows your wisdom connection . . .
  • . . . feeling the joy of it . . . just plain fun is noticing the playfulness of wisdom . . . the silly way to strengthen your wisdom is to us it . . . play with possibilities . . .

sock wisdom collection
. . . embrace . . . graceful balance . . .

socks are worn in pairs

. . . this thought led me to my inspiration for this series . . . not being what you perceive you are . . . all my work is about embracing “more-ness”. . .  suffix denotes quality or state . . . we are in a state of believing we are less than what we are . . .  remembering the quality of that we truly are . . . is discovering your wisdom . . . remembering your inner good judgment . . . using everyday items to inspire you . . .                                                                                                          

My toes like to wiggle . . . have room . . . and feel just the right temperature . . . cold climate . . . warm socks . . . they go together . . .

. . . so it makes sense to like socks

sock wisdom collection
. . . dancing . . . confident spirit . . . 

in my world socks are fun . . .

. . . socks are friends that reduce distractions . . . cold feet are distracting . . . so I like my helpful socks . . .

sock wisdom collection
. . . never alone . . . comforting friends . . . 

. . . holiday stockings are always stuffed with “socks”. . . in my world . . . socks are a fun . . . holiday tradition . . . built around socks . . . yes . . .  my practical nature is me . . . comfy socks are sharing warming all year . . . so I invest in socks . . . everyone gets socks . . . everyone can wiggle their toes and notice a friend . . . 

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